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#MohamedMahmoud : Whitewashing our own Egyptian Karbala

And in some sad irony that is rather closer to a farce the Egyptian government decided officially commemorate the martyrs of Mohamed Mahmoud 2011 clashes .. and the martyrs of army and police as well.
The government already gave orders to some company called El Abed from 5 days ago to build some memorial to commemorate the martyrs of the 25 January and 30 June revolution martyrs and the construction only started on Saturday. The memorial which is built from a very bad material looks indeed like the famous Yellow Submarine !!
The memorial now
Some tent where the government and the police can receive condolences for the martyrs, oh yes some cruel irony !! The cruel irony does not stop here.
The police issued a statement to commemorate the martyrs saying that it respected reviving the memory of all martyrs for their role in the process of national work including those whose blood soaked the tree of national struggle !! This is unbelievable !!
The government or rather the deep state is rather trying to white wash what had done there.
And as our people in Upper Egypt say “We do not accept condolences in our men who are killed except after retribution”  and indeed one of Egypt’s main problems now is retribution aka justice. Simple justice !! Since 25 January 2011 no policeman accused of killing or injuring the protesters was found guilty except may be one : El Shennawy , the eye hunter of Mohamed Mahmoud street who is serving three years only !! Oh yes three years only !!
A pro Military poster !!
This is a farce indeed. The right commemoration of Mohamed Mahmoud clashes is through justice , true justice .. anything else is just a farce.
That farce was expected as there were introductory signs paving for it.
Already all the Pro-Mubarak/Pro-Military TV hosts and channels were calling the Pro-army supporters to go to Tahrir square in order to protest against terrorism and to commemorate the martyrs of the army , police and revolutionary activists on the 19th November. Al Ahram newspaper warned last Friday from some cosmic conspiracy against police and army on that day !!

I forget to say that the 19th is also General El Sisi’s birthday too !! Cairo will host too the Ghana vs. Egypt and the Constitution 50 committee will finish voting on the constitution !! Man it is a cosmic conspiracy indeed !!
To avoid clashes with the Muslim brotherhood and the Pro-Military, some revolutionary groups, parties and youth decided to commemorate the event a day earlier on the 18 November 2013. The decision was 5 PM there will be a rally heading from Mohamed Mahmoud to Jaber Salah aka Jika’s home at Abdeen. The event planners made it clear that the Muslim brotherhood and the Pro-Military supporters are not welcome
Revolutionary poster
supported by the families of the martyrs. And so tomorrow at
Other groups decided to go on 19 November 2013 giving no damn to the Muslim brotherhood and those Pro-Military supporters. Among those groups April 6 Youth movement. One of them told me that they would not let the MB or the Pro-military control the street anymore.
By the way some decided to the street both days.
Initially announcing that they will protest in Mohamed Mahmoud street, the Muslim brotherhood and its Islamist allies decided not to go to Mohamed Mahmoud street and decided to commemorate it in other squares. Anyhow pathetic Muslim brotherhood is now trying to white wash itself from what happened in Mohamed Mahmoud claiming that what happened there was an attempt to turn the revolutionary forces against each other.
Unfortunately it happened in digital time where visual and audio archives are there including their own archives.
Yes the leaderships of the MB and Islamists were attacking the protesters but I cannot forget that some MB youth defied the orders of the guidance office and went to Mohamed Mahmoud clashes in 2011 like for instance late Asmaa El Beltagy. The Salafist Youth were dragged to the clashes thanks to Hazem Salah Abu Ismail , of course the Sheikh escaped and left them in front of the monster to face death. It was the start of the Hazemoon movement there.
I can not ignore this.
Honestly I feel that the police , army and government fear Mohamed Mahmoud anniversary and what may happen then. They do not want anyone to touch Tahrir square , they will let the revolutionaries have Mohamed Mahmoud square but not the square. Some say that the state fears that the MB supporters would control the revolution square in Egypt while others say that the State is sending a message that it gained a control on the square that drank the blood of hundreds of protesters and injured in the past 3 years.
Well I always believe it was a mistake to limit the revolution in a square and it turned out that the wicked deep state believes that the revolution was something born and would die in Tahrir square. I fear the revolution process is much complicated than that. Fools do not learn from their mistakes as well the arrogant and the evil.
It did not stop at shifting the blame to the Muslim brotherhood that stood and incited against those thugs who tried to stop the progress of democracy and elections but actually the Old Pro-Mubarak media began to market that actually the MB killed the protesters at Mohamed Mahmoud street !! Despite hundreds of photos and videos incriminating the Egyptian security forces and showing them firing their guns against protesters.
I did not forget what the MB politicians and opportunists did back then , I did not forget either what the media , honorable citizens , SCAF and Police used to said and do !! Yes what they did !!
Tomorrow insh Allah I will blog the big day. By the way some fear that people may get killed once again in the anniversary of Mohamed Mahmoud , to be honest I won’t be surprised but unfortunately as murder and death have become a justified routine in Egypt it won’t make a difference with the majority of the people in Egypt that do not give a damn anymore.
I have not forgotten yet Mohamed Mahmoud.
Have we forgotten Mohamed Mahmoud ?

Links and Notes 11/18/2013


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

#18Nov : Jika's Rally to commemorate Mohamed Mahmoud clashes

And the activists as well Pro-Revolutionaries began their event commemorate Mohamed Mahmoud clashes. It is one day earlier to avoid any political trap or clashes tomorrow. Tonight's event is exactly a rally from Martyr Jaber Salah aka Jika's house to Mohamed Mahmoud street. Jika was killed in Mohamed Mahmoud street clashes in 2012.
Here is a live blog for the event. 

#Nov19 in #MohamedMahmoud #2013 : A big long day

And it is the 19th November !!! And only God knows what will happen on that busy day , we got sad anniversaries , pharaoh's birthday and a football match.
Here is a live blog for the long day.It seems that it would start earlier. 

Links and Notes 11/21/2013


A Stolen Revolution Indeed


The statements of John Kerry about how the Muslim Brotherhood stole the January revolution from the Tahrir kids echoed strongly back in Cairo. It is most powerful statement condemning and slamming the Muslim Brotherhood since the 25 January 2011 not even since 3 July 2013.

Now I have two remarks about that statement.

Well the first remark is that I am afraid that the Brotherhood was not the only thief in town that stole the revolution from those kids in Tahrir. In fact all the grown ups stole it along with the Muslim Brotherhood whether the army or the deep state or the pseudo political parties or media or Islamists or even global and regional powers. They are even fighting over the booty now.

Those kids in Tahrir square have spent the past three years between the morgue and funerals fighting the worst despair where as their revolution has been stolen over and over in front of their own eyes.

Those kids do not have anything to do except see their friends in coffins not to mention being demonized in the eyes of the public at the same time they are trying to fight fairly in a dirty war without any foreign aid or deep state aid. Those kids are the best personification of Don Quixote

They tried to enter the realm of dirty politics but failed thanks to the older generation that insists to play according to the Mubarak’s regime game rules. The revolution is simply stolen because the Mubarak’s regime has not fallen yet for real. The revolution is stolen because the grown ups whether MB or Military or other pseudo political powers got their own agendas different from the real agenda of 25 January revolution : Freedom , Social justice equality and Democracy as a base for a strong nation.

Now the second remark : Some say that this statement or this change in the American attitudetowards Egypt is because we are returning back to the Eastern block !! Yeah this is what is being marketed in the Egyptian media now.

“We made the United States kneel down” a famous tweep in Egyptian twitterville said today in pride without knowing or understanding that the Russian FM made it clear over dozen times whether during his visit in Cairo or even in his interviews in Moscow that Russia was not replacing anyone in Egypt aka the States.

They are also ignoring the interview of the head of GIS major Genera Tohamy with WP where he made it clear that the GIS/CIA were the best friends even now. In nutshell the world is not the world in 1956 as some people hope and think especially with that wave sweeping the country on how El Sisi is the incarnation of Nasser.

John Kerry is already from the camp in the Obama that supports dialogue with the new rulers of Cairo and he expressed many times before unlike the rest of the rest of the Obama administration as well Congress and Senates that got a conservative view about Cairo now.

I believe that Obama administration does not have any problem to deal with the military on the contrary it is the United States’ favorite type of rulers but there are two obstacles facing them : The official bureaucratic thing of that foreign assistance Coup act thing and the image of the Obama administration in the American and international of aiding that “military backed government” as it is being called in international wire services now while that government is suppressing freedoms after praising the 25 January revolution and what it brought from freedoms …etc. You can not hide human rights crimes easily nowadays like in Chile from 40 years ago.

Another factor also I believe is playing role here is lobby and I am not speaking about PR lobbying company in D.C  hired by the Egyptian government but you got the infamous AIPAC as well Israeli government support the interim government too because they believe that the security campaign in Sinai against militants is in the best interest of Israel. All this is not a big secret on the contrary.

It is not a secret either that some Israeli analysts and politicians believed that Morsi and the MB were better choice because they had control of Hamas but Hamas and MB do not have REAL Control on the Salafist Jihadist groups. “Of course the Salafist Jihadists groups in Sinai turned their cannons to Cairo instead Eilat lately”

Anyhow when I look to the whole Egyptian American relations to be honest , all what I find honestly three parties trying to get D.C in their side in some stupid competition.

Of course the army relations with the United States are well known as well old and complicated then you got the Islamists aka the MB and the few non-Islamist parties trying to gain the support of the States in order to reach to the ruling chair.

The fight is about which party got more cards to play with the States, so far the army control the game historically and strategically more than the MB or those pathetic parties.

Anyhow as someone once told me , we are still in the beginning in the film.  May be the kids of Tahrir will restore their revolution hopefully alone in the end.

By the way we did not Facetime anything as Facetime is not working in Egypt and again the revolution was much more than social media one.We are also not just kids fooling around, God knows how much we feel old nowadays.

Links and Notes 11/23/2013


#EgyConstitution :The draft is not Final yet


Today we found the Egyptian Constitution committee’s official twitter account announcing that the new draft Constitution 2013 is available online. People began to gear up to read and inspect that draft Constitution but then came Mohamed Salmawy , the official spokesperson of the committee to tell us that the draft

It is true , it is not the final draft because they are still last minute talks with everybody to ensure that the majority of certain groups like the Salafists and Workers are going to say Yes. There are still major fights about certain articles other than the military trials and the army articles in general.

Yes the Salafists as well Al Azhar are now fighting with all their powers over the so-called Islamic identity articles and it is not about the infamous 219 but about the fact that they do not want the word “Civilian” in the article related to the identity of the Egyptian state.Oh yes Al Azhar also refuses the word “Civilian” , the open-minded moderate Al Azhar that fought the Muslim Brotherhood also refuses the civility of the State !!

I do not know what the problem of the sheikh is with the civility of the State. “Civilian” is not secular for God’s Sake , Civilian opposes military as far as I know !!

Anyhow this is just the tip of ice berg , you got the other Sharia related articles.

Despite the Salafists as Al Nour Party approved the Military trials in the 2012 Constitution , they declared their refusal to the military trials for civilians now in 2013. I believed that they are playing some sort of game with the military in return to keep the religious related articles as they are.

Al Nour party can mobilize its supporters against this constitution if it does not get it wants.

Now moving to the Workers and farmers’ share in the parliament. As you may know that since the 1960s and the Workers and farmers got 50% of the seats in the parliament according to the Constitution. Now it is removed from the draft Constitution.It is one of the best things ever to be honest because actually all those years the ruling party used this article to control the parliament. 

The workers and farmers unions “Mostly from the Mubarak era” are against this and are vowing to vote against the constitution if it is issued without it.

Moving to the Governance System , last rumor we hear today was that the members of the Constitution committee want to have the presidential elections before the parliamentary elections in Egypt. Also we got the president vs. parliament powers article.

Here is the first published draft in Arabic.

المصري اليوم تنشر المسودة الأولى لدستور «لجنة الـ50» المعدل by Moataz Nadi

Here is also its translation by Mada Misr in English. I still need to read it thoroughly.

In case you do not know the battle for banning the military trials is still now and it definitely needs a separate post to show the hypocrisy of our political elite.

Links and Notes 11/24/2013


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

#AblaFahita ; The dangerous Puppet Spy !!

The level of Public Nationalism Paranoia in Egypt has reached to a scary level especially now it is being adopted by the mainstream media. Now our media is repeating claims that U.S President Barack Obama is a member of the mighty international Muslim Brotherhood organization and that the international MB is actually running the world. “But failed to sustain a rule in Egypt more one year amazingly !!”
Of course this paranoia is rooted online in social media in the Anti-25 January revolution Facebook pages that adopt the conspiracy theory forever , you know the revolution was a cosmic conspiracy and we had a great life during Mubarak rule and so on.
So now after the fifth column lists craze , we got the latest Mossad and CIA spy in Egypt : Abla Fahita , the famous YouTube Puppet.
It started with the Pro-Mubarak Anti-Freemason/Anti-Revolution/Anti-MB/Anti-Sisi Conspiracy theorist and financial analyst Sameh Abu Arayes who analyzes and predicts disasters and terrorist attacks according to the TV ads.
He is the father of the infamous Closed Conspiracy theory Facebook Page Subliminal Message. Now Abu Arayes saw the Dolce Ice Cream ad starting Abla Fahita and her daughter Caroline and predicted that the sinister puppets were speaking about terrorist attacks because Abla Fahita was speaking on how the new Dolce Ice Cream tasted like bomb !!
Here is the funny ad which is the best in the campaign if you ask my opinion.
Doleca New Bomba Ice-Cream starring Abla Fahita
Next Day an attack took place in Sinaiand you know Abu Arayes went on fire since then , the puppets are agents !! 
Now you got this enlightened report in an Egyptian news website called  Misr 30 June wondering if the puppet was actually a member of the Mossad or the CIA sent with encrypted messages to the Israeli intelligence in the Egyptian society in order to create chaos. The site is using the comic tweets of Abla Fahita as an evidence on its ambiguity !!
Now the Abla Fahita official Facebook began to receive FB Messages warning its admin of the end !!

“Abla Fahita , you and CarCora {Nickname of her daughter Caroline} are going to attend soon the farewell. Be ready with your red dress !!”
Now Speaking seriously it has become a usual scene to see guests on TV channels that used to chant about the great revolution speaking about it as a conspiracy to bring down Egyptian police and army where the MB killed the protesters in January 2011.
I take this seriously because this is how you forge history , a history that you and I have lived. I take this seriously because it is extremely dangerousand honestly I fear one day a revolutionary activist could be assassinated by some angry citizen who believes that this activist were a spy !!
Terrorism does not only happen because you got religious fanaticsbut it can happen because of you got radical nationalists as well ignorant zealots.

And the Anti-Protest Law is issued !!

And Egyptian interim president Adly Mansour has issued the infamous Protest law today. Here is what I originally wrote about that protest law last month.
Amazingly I remember that deputy PM Ziad Bahaa El Din hinted out last month after his meeting with political parties that the law would be discussed in the new elected parliament but it turned to be an empty promise unfortunately. The Conservative/Deep State/Pro-Military/Pro-Police branch won after all.
Now here is an English preview for the law from Ahram Online. Also here is a collection of tweets from HRW Egypt director Heba Morayef about the law in English after the break.
Here is the original text in Arabic.
Anyhow revolutionaries are not stopped by this law , actually they are breaking it next Tuesday as . The final voting on the draft constitution will be allegedly on Tuesday.
revolutionary groups are organized a protest against the military trials for civilians in the constitution in front of the Shura Council where the Constitution Committee holds its sessions
BY the way for those who are supporting the Protest law and say that we should learn from civilized democratic countries that got a law to organize protesting and so on , well I tell them one thing : Give us the same freedom , the same democracy , the same accountability and the same respect of human rights before speaking about law that actually is against the right of protests.
Now here is the video of the day. A former Police general tells the police force to activate the law even ‘by the shoe’ aka ‘hit the protesters by shoes’ and TV host Dina Abdel Rahman reminds him that this “shoe” talk is the one that made asbackward nation !!
By the shoe !!

Links and Notes 11/25/2013


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Links and Notes 11/26/2013


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

#NoMilTrials : Back To Back !!


And the peaceful protest of the No for Military trials Campaign against the bloody article in the Constitution was dispersed by force brutally in the first test for the ministry of interior and its Pro-Media.

What I see in front of me that we are not back to 11 February 2011 but we are back to 24 January 2011 if not to 2010 with the same lies in the media.

Here is a storfiy report for what happened since the start of the protests. You can see it after the break.

Links and Notes 11/27/2013


#NoMilTrials : To Protest or Not to Protest

Today a group of protesters and  activists tried to defy the government and the ministry of interior by organizing another protest against both " The military trials for civilians in the Constitution" and "The protest law". The protest is organized by Thowar Front. "Revolutionaries Front" 
Now the Ministry of interior is claiming that late Jika's father was the one who applied for a permit for this protest. Ironically no one from the activists asked for a permit in the first place and nobody can reach Mr. Salah Jaber, Jika's dad to confirm this.
The official statement of MOI says that some activists apply for the permit but did not say who these activists are. Ironically according to the law you should apply three days prior to the protest not only the same day.
Interestingly the MOI spokesperson refused to reveal to Daily News Egypt report Fady Ashraf the organizers that applied for permits.

Jika is believed to be killed by the MOI during Mohamed Morsi's rule. No one was held accounted for his death up till now. 

For the Sake of #Jan25 Principles

Today 14 girls have been sentenced to 11 years in jail in because of balloons and a hand sign in one of the most disgraceful court rules ever in the Egyptian judicial system if I may say. The true humans in this country were shocked and angry for this verdict murderers and corrupted do not get regardless of the political affiliation of those girls!!
Now among those are angry a hacker called Pharaoh that hacked the Judges Club’s official website, the Judges club is Egypt’s Judges Syndicate.
The screen capture
The hacker left a message that I believe actually represents the view of many young Pro-revolutionaries :
I have never imagine that I would defend one day a MB or a Pro-Morsi personbut today I will defend the 14 girls sentenced 11 years in jail because of Rabaa sign. As much as I hate the Muslim Brotherhood , this is injustice. The Principles of the 25 January revolution are bread , freedom and social justice and today the freedom of 14 girls has be suppressed. The Muslim Brotherhood did sell us and the revolutionbut I will never give up the January 25 revolution.

 This message is so true , it is about justice and human rights. You know I remember from a year ago the MB mocked the revolutionaries for standing for the rights of Mr. Hammada, the Pro-Mubarak Pro-Omar Suleiman supporter who was stripped naked and was beaten by security forces during the protests against ousted Morsi at the Presidential Palace. This is is the same ting , the point that our fascists from both sides do not get. The fight is about basic justice and human rights. Anyhow I doubt that both fascists whether Pro-Military or Pro-Islamists will understand this because in the end they are fascist.  
The Non Humans who are happy with that verdict because those girls are Muslim Brotherhood make me feel sorry because I know that karma is bitter. One thing for sure I have learned in one year since November 2012 that karma is truly bitter and the Muslim Brotherhood knows that very well but they do not want to admit it in this stage. In Islamic way I will say that Justice is from the names of God and Justice will prevail sooner or later.

Links and Notes 11/28/2013


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

#FreeAlaa Hashtag is back once again

This was a long dayand I have just returned back home ready to write about what happened in the universities especially in my university Cairo university that lost one of its students today , I returned to read Manal Hassan saying that her husband Alaa Abdel Fatah was arrested from their house.

Not only he was arrested but Manal was physically assaulted by the police force. They also confiscated their mobile phones and laptops. Luckily their  son Khaled  was sleeping in another room.
There was an eye witness living in the same street who saw the arrest of Alaa . This time he was arrested by special forces !!  !!

Galal Raafat : They arrested Alaa Abdel Fatah in front of my eyes. 5 police vehicles and more than 40 soliders , all this these because someone said his opinion online
Already last Wednesday the public prosecutor ordered the arrest of Alaa Abdel Fatah and April 6 Youth founder Ahmed Maher for inciting the No for military trial protest on Tuesday.
By the waysome say that Alaa was not officially notified and did not receive anything from the prosecutor’s office as he has to be informed. Already Alaa announced that he would hand himself over to the prosecutor’s office on Saturday in a statement published on Wednesday.
Dr. Laila Soueif , his mother and long time activist has stated that they do not know where Alaa was taken to. Dr. Laila was in the morgue with the body of late Mohamed Reda , the Cairo University student shot today in Campus during the clashes between students and security forces.
Mona Seif , his sister confirmed that they managed to allocate him in some CSF camp.
Now personally I think there is a pre-made scenario concerning Alaa as in the past two week there was a campaign against him started with fake Mossad membership document leaked online “oh yes”  then you got the campaign against his views about Sheikh El Sharawy. It is not a big secret that Alaa does not respect the late Sheikhand he called him names on his twitter game. The media whether Press or TV took that tweet insulting El Sharawy and began attacking him specifically last week. So yes the media in Egypt is turning Alaa in to the bad Mossad atheist anarchic spy and people buy this.
Today by the way at about 6 PM the MOI sent an email to journalists with the tweet which called people to join the protest.
Again the No for military trials campaign is the one that called for this protest before anyone.
This is not about a freaking unauthorized protest with my all due respect.
Now all the TV channels are attacking Alaa saying that he is working to bring down the Egyptian State.
By the wayanyone is tweeting anything in English is attacked. Manal was attacked madly and systematically , I do not know if we are talking about group thinking or some sort organized action.
Alaa should return back to Manal and Khaled.

Links and Notes 11/29/2013

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